**** This version is for Hermes II 1.0.1 and later only ****
Changes in Bulletin Manager 2.5
- updated for Hermes 2.5
- added registration scheme so external can now be freely distributed
- added sysop external for setting access level and registration (more to follow)
- name change for external and data files. See note below.
- reduced amount of memory external uses by 20%
* Note on name change *
With version 2.5 some of the CT externals names have changed. All the externals which ended with 'r have been renamed with a "er" at the end instead. I never really liked all the 'r endings and they caused some confusion at times. Some of them have also been completely renamed. As a result of the new names, many of the data files created by the CT externals and the folders that they are in have also been renamed. Make sure you follow the directions below if you are updating from a previous version.
To upgrade to Bulletin Manager 2.5
Remove old Bull Reader external.
Rename folder named "Bull Read'r Files" to "Bulletin Manager Files".
Remove the file "Bull Read'r Data", it should *NOT* be renamed and used.
A convertor is included to convert the old data file. See the accompanying doc.
Run Hermes and choose Bulletin Manager from the externals menu.